Antonio Castro Deleon
1935 - 2019
Private Cremation Service Monday, 2/25
Visitation Details
Brookville Boulevard
Rosedale, NY
Prayer Service Details
Brookville Boulevard
Rosedale, NY
One thought for Antonio Castro Deleon
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Private Cremation Service Monday, 2/25
Dear family and friends of Mr. DeLeon,
I’m truly sorry about your loss. At times we may believe we are ready to face such trials but reality is that we are never fully prepared to lose a loved. Death was not part of our creators plan for humanity. Nonetheless, God consoles us through his promise of resurrecting all those that have fallen asleep in death. Paul said in Acts 24:15: “And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. “ God inspired Paul to write down these words to give us hope and when we read at Titus 1:2 that it is “impossible for God to lie” it truly does bring us comfort and the time is closer than we think.
I hope these promises bring you comfort and if you’d like to learn more about this promise and many others found in the Bible, feel free to log onto