Oh, Ray- my dear friend! Life is so cruel, I can’t remember the last time we shook hands, talked, or laughed! I will certainly miss those comforting things about you. You were always a welcome presence at St Clare, and you will be missed! Rest In Peace, as God will have mercy on your soul. Love, Ifeanyi Ezissi
Oh, Ray- my dear friend! Life is so cruel, I can’t remember the last time we shook hands, talked, or laughed! I will certainly miss those comforting things about you. You were always a welcome presence at St Clare, and you will be missed! Rest In Peace, as God will have mercy on your soul. Love, Ifeanyi Ezissi
May the Good Lord Grant the Soul of MR. Gusset eternal Rest. May God give his family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. AMEN